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2012年英语六级热点作文:富二代和贫二代  新东方在线    2012-05-11    



  Thinking about young people's wealth


  Accompanying all the booms brought about by the profound social changes, many problems have come along. That whether the young should have family's wealth or not is a very marked one.

  It is widely accepted that we have been living in a "the rich gets richer whereas the poor gets poorer" age in terms of income gaps within a generation. There is an old saying in China, "the offspring of low-income can grow faster" which means the children of low-income family have better problem-solving abilities during adulthood. But is it really true?

  Recently I have read much news about affluent 2nd generation which in most cases is negative. Born with a silver spoon in their mouth, they don't have to worry about luxurious cars, houses and so on. The characters of them are always criticized by the public. Sometimes they just think about themselves and forget other people's feelings including their parents. I have never known them to behave any other than selfishly.

  Sometimes they are peacockish and wasteful, but they think they can do to their way of thinking. On the contrast, some rich young people are more serious to life, and they think more and feel stressful at the same time.

  Personally, I believe children raised in household not in possession of a good fortune are conditioned in their early life to exercise self-control and self-restraint. Through the childhood and early adulthood they are used to repeated experiences of parents' rejections of their requests. It is most difficult for them get a successful career, they may be much more difficult. As they are cultivated to have a strong mind and have many beautiful virtues inside, they are more likely to be loved or accepted by the public.

  As far as I know, personal wealth is not measured by what your parents may give you, but is measured by personal ability and personal virtues.






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