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美国:员工下班常聚会 传播流言拉关系  中国日报网英语点津  Helen  2008-06-26    



Happy hours: good times but no promotion: survey


One in five US workers regularly attends after-work drinks with co-workers.

  One in five US workers regularly attends after-work drinks with co-workers, where the most common mishaps range from bad-mouthing another worker to kissing a colleague and drinking too much, according to a study released on Tuesday.

  Most workers attend so-called happy hours to bond with colleagues, although 15 percent go to hear the latest office gossip and 13 percent go because they feel obligated, said the survey conducted for, an online job site.

  As to what happens when the after-work drinks flow, 16 percent reported bad-mouthing a colleague, 10 percent shared a secret about a colleague, 8 percent kissed a colleague and 8 percent said they drank too much and acted unprofessionally.

  Five percent said they had shared a secret about the company, and 4 percent confessed to singing karaoke.

  While 21 percent of those who attend say happy hours are good for networking, 85 percent said attending had not helped them get closer to someone higher up or get a better position.

  An equal number of men and women said they attend happy hours with co-workers, with younger workers age 25 to 34 most likely and workers over 55 least likely to attend.

  Overall, 21 percent of workers attend happy hours with co-workers and, of those, nearly a quarter go at least once a month.

  The survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of among 6,987 full-time employees between February 11 and March 13.

  Harris Interactive said the results have a sampling error of plus or minus 1.2 percentage points.








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