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俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫会见四川灾区儿童  新华网    2008-07-31    



Quake-hit Chinese students spend joyous time with Medvedev in Kremlin


  As the special guests of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, 50 students from China's quake-hit Sichuan province Wednesday visited the glittering Andrew Hall of the Kremlin, and had a joyous time with the Russian president.

  "I hope that you will make friends with more Russian children during your rehabilitation in our country," Medvedev said in his speech, describing the students as "little heroes" in the relief work following the devastating earthquake.

  These middle and primary school students, who were recuperating in a rehabilitation center in southwest Russia's coastal city of Tuapse before coming to Moscow, are the representatives of some 1,000 children who would arrive in Russia for further recovery in 2008.

  "How do you feel about Russia?" Medvedev asked as he walked in the crowd with a smile on his face.

  "Beautiful!" "Enthusiastic!" "Hospitable!" the children strived to answer.

  "Have you swum in the Black Sea? Is the water cold?" the president went on to ask.

  "It's not cold!" they consented with one voice.


  A girl handed over to Medvedev a letter from her fellows who are still in Tuapse. "It is filled with our best wishes for you and our gratitude," she said.

  "Please send my regards to your friends. I will certainly read it, with the help of a translator," he said.

  The children presented Medvedev with some Chinese calligraphy works and embroidery as gifts. Medvedev expressed thanks in Chinese when he accepted the presents.

  The president took the initiative to be a guide for the children and showed them around the Andrew Hall of the Kremlin. In his introduction, Medvedev compared the Kremlin to China's Forbidden City.

  Medvedev took photos with the children and gave them goodbye hugs when the half an hour meeting concluded.

  While the president held Ma Xiaobo, a grade-three student from Pengzhou city, close in his arms, everybody cheered.

  "You're welcome to visit China after the reconstruction of our hometowns," the children said in a loud voice.

  "I know China is faced with the difficult task of reconstruction. I believe that the reconstruction will be achieved soon with the involvement of you little guys," Medvedev said.






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