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布什:中美关系正以良好的、稳固的方式向前发展  新华网    2008-08-01    



Bush: U.S.-China relations "good" and "important"  

  U.S. President George W. Bush said Wednesday that U.S.-China relations are good and important, and he is "honored" to be invited to attend the Beijing Olympics.

  "The fact that both countries are honoring the 30th anniversary of the relationship is a statement about good relations," he told reporters from China, South Korea and Thailand at the White House ahead of his upcoming trip to the three countries.

  Also, the fact that both China and the United States are opening new embassies in each other's capitals is "a signal of how important the relationship is," Bush added.

  Bush said that during his stay in Beijing, he would attend the opening ceremony of the new U.S. embassy, together with his father, former U.S. President George H. W. Bush.

  "Isn't that interesting, two new embassies open the same year, obviously to celebrate the 30th anniversary of what has been a very important relationship," he said.

  In retrospect of the development of U.S.-China relationship during his presidency, the president said two things are most important.

  One is that he and the Chinese leaders have forged a good personal relationship featured by "sincerity and honesty," as they have met many times during Bush's tenure.

  Secondly, the two nations have worked hard to put strategic economic dialogues in place in a bid to broaden and enhance bilateral relations.

  To some extent, the president said, China and the United States have become increasingly interdependent as their relationship is becoming more and more interwoven, particularly in the economic field.

  He said whoever follows him as the president will continue the policy of "active engagement" (with China) with a constant reminder of the belief in human freedom and liberty.

  "And it's an opportunity for our two countries ... to be able to work through common problems and to seize common opportunities," he added.

  Moreover, Bush said he has always been committed to broadening defense cooperation and exchanges between China and the United States.

  The president believed it was very important for U.S. generals, especially younger U.S. officers, to conduct exchanges and make more contacts with their Chinese counterparts so as to create a feeling of trust.

  Asked about how he viewed the changes happening with India and China growing stronger, Bush said he believed the emergence of India and China is a positive thing.






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