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巴基斯坦女运动员:参加奥运就是梦想成真  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗;屈上;  2008-08-04    



Pakistan female athlete inputs spirit to Olympics

National flag of Parkistan

  Pakistan's female athlete Sadaf Siddiqu aims not high at the Olympics and says simply competing will be a dream come true as she hopes to inspire millions of girls back home.

  Lahore-based Siddiqui runs the 100 and 200 metres but as a wild card entrant she is allowed to compete in only one event and so will be lining up for the 100m heats in Beijing.

  The 22-year-old sprinter knows she faces red-hot competition from a star-studded line-up but promises to keep her head high and proud, even if she finishes last.

  "I promise that I will not show an embarrassed loser's face, my head will be high and my face would be glowing because the Olympic spirit is to compete irrespective of results. For me it's an honour," the sprinter said .

  Siddiqui is one of just two female competitors in Pakistan's 37-member contingent for the Games, with 18-year-old Kiran Khan set to jump in the Olympic pool in the women's swimming.

  Pakistan is sending 21 athletes in total and 16 officials, according to the Pakistan Olympic Association.

  Siddiqui's best time for the 100m is 11.81 seconds, a Pakistani record she set in April, and 24.36 seconds in the 200m which are both a far cry from top international standards.








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