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王岐山会见美国议员 中国有信心稳定国内经济  新华网    2008-10-15    



China airs resolve to keep economy in good shape


  China on Tuesday reaffirmed its resolve to keep its economy on track amid the global financial turmoil.

  In a meeting with visiting U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel, Vice Premier Wang Qishan said the financial crisis, triggered by the U.S. credit crunch, had exerted a grave impact on the global financial market.

  "As a responsible country, China has always valued the communication and cooperation with other nations to ensure world financial and economic stability."

  Wang said China would make great efforts to keep its economy on the right track, which would be the country's greatest contribution to the world.

  China had implemented and would continue measures to ensure the stability of finance, economy and the capital market, he said, referring to a package of new policies to spur economic growth.

  The central bank cut interest rates on Sept. 15 for the first time in six years.

  The People's Bank of China, the central bank, announced the deposit and lending rates would be lowered by 0.27 percentage points and the reserve-requirement ratio would be reduced 0.5 percentage points starting Oct. 15.

  "With tools at our disposal, we are confident and capable of prevailing over the overall difficulties and challenges," Wang told Hagel.






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