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英研究:爱情影响女性体重变化  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗  2008-10-21    



Men make women gain weight


WEIGHTY issue ... a woman's weight can be traced to her emotional well-being, with diet binges occurring during courtship and in the lead-up to weddings, according to a British survey.

  There's a great many reasons why a woman's weight may fluctuate. Some might say it's a hectic work schedule preventing them from getting to the gym.

  Others may suggest it's the temptation of the office chocolate machine.

  But research suggests there's only one real reason - their men.

  A study into the ups and downs of the female weight-cycle showed happiness - or the lack of it - in a relationship is the biggest factor.

  The report found early courtship usually brings with it a strict diet regime resulting in the loss of around 5lb.

  After women enter Stage 2, which is the comfort zone, when they feel secure enough to relax a little, can put on a few pounds.

  Wedding plans mean another sprint to shed a few pounds before the arrival of a baby reverses that weight loss, followed by a reinvention - which again sparks a diet drive.

  The five stages of weight fluctuation, which can vary over around two stone, emerged in a study of 3,000 women by UK weight management firm

  'Our emotions and relationships have an enormous effect on our health and above all our weight,' said Jane McCadden, of Slendex.








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