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麦凯恩副手佩林被爆花费15万美元购置行头  新华网  中新网  2008-10-24    



Report: $150,000 used for Palin's fashion need


  The U.S. Republican party has spent about 150,000 U.S. dollars in the space of a month to meet vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's fashion needs, an online report said Wednesday.

  According to the political website Politico, the Republican National Committee used campaign donations to pay for the Alaskan governor's clothing, hair styling, makeup and other "campaign accessories" during September, following her nomination as John McCain's running mate.

  Among the expenses, 75,062 dollars were spent at Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis and 41,850 dollars in St Louis in early September. It also included 4,100 dollars for makeup and hair consultation, the report said.

  In its defense, the Republican party said the clothing would go to charity after the campaign.

  "With all of the important issues facing the country right now, it's remarkable that we're spending time talking about pantsuits and blouses," said Republican presidential candidate John McCain spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt. "It was always the intent that the clothing goes to a charitable purpose after the campaign."

  McCain, an Arizona Senator, was exceeded by his Democratic presidential rival Barack Obama in campaign funds. Due to his acceptance of public funding, he is limited to 84 million dollars to campaign.

  In contrast, Obama started campaigning in October with 133.6 million dollars in the bank.

  The Republican party has been helping McCain's bid for the White House financially and is allowed to spend up to 19 million dollars in the campaign.


  据Politico报道,根据财政记录,佩林从9月初到现在的支出包括从圣路易斯Saks第五大道和纽约购买衣物所用的49425.74美元,以及在明尼阿波尼斯的Neiman Marcus购物所用的75062.63美元。共和党全国委员会从9月以来还为佩林在头发和化妆品上花费了4716.49美元。

  这些资金的使用立刻引起了竞选财政专家的质疑。共和党全国委员会发言人马丽亚·卡迈拉(Maria Comella )拒绝回答有关这些花费细节的问题,但是此后竞选阵营发表了一个声明说,最终这些衣物都将捐给慈善事业。








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