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胡锦涛同奥巴马通话 赞赏其强调中美关系重要  新华网    2008-11-10    



Chinese president, Obama discuss relations, int'l issues on phone

  Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S. president-elect Barack Obama Saturday discussed in a telephone conversation relations between China and the United States and major international issues of common concern, including the ongoing global financial crisis.

  In the telephone conversation, Hu expressed appreciation to Obama for emphasizing in his election campaign speeches the great importance of China-U.S. relations, and for advocating the strengthening of China-U.S. cooperation in jointly responding to global challenges and in sharing global development opportunities.

  Hu pointed out that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 30 years ago, bilateral relations have generally kept developing despite setbacks, scoring hard-earned achievements and bringing about tangible interests to both nations.

  As the largest developing nation and the largest developed nation, China and the United States share extensive common interests on issues related to world peace and development, and both assume important responsibility in this regard, Hu said.

  In the new historical period of time, China is willing to maintain high-level exchange with the United States and also contacts at all levels, continue strategic dialogue with the United States, increase exchange and cooperation between the two countries in all fields, and strengthen the exchange of opinion and coordination with the United States on major international and regional issues, the Chinese president noted.

  China and the United States should respect each other and accommodate each other's concerns, and appropriately settle sensitive issues between the two countries, particularly the Taiwan issue, in order to promote the China-U.S. relations of constructive cooperation to a higher level, he said.

  Speaking on the same occasion, Obama said that China is a great nation and that China's development and success meet U.S. interests.






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