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国家主席胡锦涛同美国总统布什通电话  新华网    2009-01-05    



Chinese, U.S. presidents talk relations, international issues on phone 

  Chinese President Hu Jintao on Sunday spoke over telephone with his U.S. counterpart George W. Bush about bilateral relations and major international issues of common concern.

  The two leaders exchanged congratulations on achievements that have been made in the development of bilateral relations since the forging of diplomatic ties between China and the U.S. 30 years ago.

  They expressed the hope that a series of events to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations would be successful.

  President Hu agreed with Bush's positive remarks on China-U.S. relations and hailed his efforts to develop a constructive and cooperative Sino-U.S. relationship.

  In the new historical period of time, China and the United States, through their joint efforts, will surely be able to stay firm in the general direction of the China-U.S. constructive and cooperative relationship and promote sound, stable, all-round and in-depth development of bilateral ties, Hu noted.

  Bush, for his part, said China and the United States have engaged in good cooperation over the past 30 years which deserves congratulation.

  The U.S. president said he was pleased that he has conducted satisfactory cooperation with President Hu during his presidency.

  On the Middle East situation, Hu said China is seriously concerned about escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and worsening of the volatile situation in the Middle East and is deeply worried about the humanitarian crisis taking place in the Gaza Strip.

  China calls on all the parties concerned to stop military operation and armed conflicts, promote the relaxation of tension in the region and create conditions for a solution to the conflict by political means, Hu said.










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