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以色列继续军事打击 导弹击中联合国学校  新华网    2009-01-07    



Israel shells houses, schools in 11th day of offensive


  Israel pressed on with its airstrikes on the Gaza Strip on Tuesday by shelling houses and a school run by the United Nations, killing 82 Palestinians, the majority women and children, in the eleventh day of violence.

  An Israeli air and ground strike on al-Fakhoura school run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Jabalia refugee camp on Tuesday evening killed 46 people and wounded 150 others, medics said.

  The school is located in the center of Jabalia refugee camp, sheltering 200,000 refugees displaced by the ongoing Israeli offensive. According to UN officials, the school was directly targeted by the Israeli army.

  Adnan Abu Hasna, UNRWA spokesman in Gaza, condemned the attack on the school, saying that "we have several times noted to the Israeli sides to avoid targeting our schools that shelter civilians."

  "In spite of rising the blue flag of UNRWA on our schools, the Israeli army has been targeting those schools by missiles and tanks shells," said Abu Hasna, adding "four of our schools were hit. The latest was al-Fakhoura school."

  Israel's military said its shelling on the school in northern Gaza Strip was in response to mortar fire from within the school.

  Meanwhile, an official statement issued by the Palestinian Health Ministry said that 42 civilians were killed in the tanks shelling of al-Fakhoura school in northern Gaza Strip.

  Ibrahim Abu Tahoun, an observer based in Gaza City, said "In less than 24 hours, some 82 people were killed and 150 wounded in a series of massacres committed by the Israeli army in airstrikes on central and northern Gaza Strip."

  Mo'aweya Hassanein, chief of emergency and ambulance services in the Palestinian Health Ministry, told reporters up to Tuesday 670 people have been killed and around 3,000 others wounded since the launch of the Israeli offensive on Dec. 27.






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