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美国航空公司客机坠入纽约哈德逊河  新华网    2009-01-16    



U.S. Airways jet crashes into Hudson, all 155 aboard survive





  A U.S. Airways plane made a controlled crash landing on the Hudson river Thursday afternoon following a failed takeoff blamed on a possible bird strike. Authorities said all 150 passenger and 5 crew aboard survived with no major injuries.

  New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it appeared that all 155 people aboard are safe, although authorities are still verify the tally of passengers.

  Bloomberg told a press conference that the pilot of the plane, who made a "masterful" crash landing on the river, "walked the plane twice" after everyone was believed to have come out.

  Some of survivors got wet in frigid water on a day when the air temperature was as low as minus 6.7 degrees Celsius. Water temperature was at 4.4 degrees.

  US Airways Flight 1549 was headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, from New York's LaGuardia Airport, officials said.

  Initial reports said a bird strike caused both engines of the plane to fail moments after take-off, but US Airways CEO Doug Parker said it was premature to speculate about the cause of the accident.

  Officials of the National Transportation Safety Board were heading for New York to investigate into the cause of the crash.

  Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown said the plane appeared to have hit one or more birds, the AP reported.

  Emergency crew from various agencies and commuter ferries all joined the rescue efforts, which were lauded by New York State governor David Paterson as a "miracle on the Hudson."






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