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王岐山在《泰晤士报》发文阐述中国G20立场  新华网    2009-03-30    



Chinese vice premier calls on G20 London summit to act together to fight crisis

  Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan has called on the international community to "act together" at the upcoming London summit to get through the global financial crisis, in an article published by the British newspaper The Times on Friday.

  In the article entitled "G20 must look beyond the needs of the top 20," with a subtitle "China believes the developing world should have a stronger say in how the international financial system is run," Wang urged all heads of states to be present at the G20 London summit to "act together to get through the time of hardship."

  After the financial crisis broke out, China was quick to put in place a decisive plan to boost domestic demand, advance economic restructuring and improve people's well-being, which have started to produce results, said the vice premier.

  However, the Chinese economy still faces severe challenges, including to meet the demanding goal of maintaining economic growth by boosting domestic demand, ensuring employment and readjusting the economic structure. China also has to cope with shrinking external demand caused by the global economic downturn and trade and investment protectionism, Wang said.

  "China will continue to take forceful measures to maintain steady and fast economic growth and contribute its share to an early recovery of the world economy," Wang pledged in the article.

  Since the G20 summit in Washington last year, said Wang, China has provided a lot of assistance and support through a variety of means to a number of countries and regions, and played a part in the creation of significant Asian and global economic and trade initiatives.

  The Chinese leader stressed the significance of the international community to enhance coordination and cooperation to overcome the current difficulties.

  "Efforts should be made to expand trade and investment cooperation to bolster economic growth, step up cooperation among small and medium-size businesses to ensure employment stability, and strengthen cooperation in energy conservation and emissions' reduction, environmental protection and development of new energy technologies to nurture growth points for the world economy," Wang suggested.






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