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美房地产巨头房地美代理首席财务官自杀  新华网    2009-04-23    



U.S. mortgage giant company's senior official found dead: police


  A senior official of the U.S. mortgage giant company was found dead as a result of an apparent suicide incident, said police on Wednesday.

  According to police, David Kellermann, the Freddie Mac's acting chief financial officer and senior vice president, was found hanging himself at the basement of his house in Vienna, Virginia, early in the morning.

  Police said that they arrived at the scene after receiving an alert from Kellermann's wife, Donna, but did not provide more details.

  The incident was considered as another blow to the company that owns or guarantees about 13 million mortgages but lost more than 50 billion U.S. dollars last year.

  The 41-year-old man was appointed to the post in September last year after the Treasury Department took over the company and its sibling Frannie Mae, both of which were criticized for financing risky loans that led to lots of foreclosure.

  Quoted by U.S. local media, neighbors said that Kellermann, who worked for Freddie Mac for the past 16 years, lost an amount of weight after he took the new job.

  Despite persuasion by neighbors that he should quit his job to release the pressure, Kellermann insisted that he would stay and help the company through its problems.

  After Kellermann's death, John Koskinen, the company's interim chief executive, said in a statement that Kellermann is "a man of great talents," and "his extraordinary work ethic and integrity inspired all who worked with him."






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