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温家宝总理看望北京确诊H1N1患者及医护人员  新华网    2009-05-18    



Chinese premier visits Beijing's 1st A/H1N1 flu patient




  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited Beijing's first diagnosed A/H1N1 flu patient in hospital on Sunday.

  Wen had a voice and video meeting with the 18-year-old female, surnamed Liu, who returned from the United States and was confirmed to have the flu Saturday, at the Beijing Ditan Hospital.

  The patient is in a stable condition with a normal body temperature and a growing appetite, said doctors.

  Wen said overseas students in epidemic areas should learn more to protect themselves from the flu and understand the preventive and control measures China has taken.

  "The motherland is the home of the Chinese overseas students and we are concerned about your health," he said.

  Wen said medical personnel should always be ready to treat flu patients and to accumulate experience.

  He urged medical staff to enhance self-protection and prevent hospital infection and the spread of the disease.

  At the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Wen said that judging from the current situation, China's A/H1N1 flu prevention and control measures are effective and well organized.

  "With the spreading of the flu in some countries, we should not lower our guard against it," he said.

  Wen called for establishing epidemic monitoring and reporting systems and strengthening inspection and quarantine at ports of exit and entry.

  He also called for enhanced research of medicine, vaccine and the pathology to make significant development and breakthrough.

  Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang, who was also on the visit, said, "We should follow the development of the epidemic, and be ready to fight a protracted war."






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