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职场英语:校园招聘会求职必胜5大绝招    网络  2013-03-11    




  The No. 1 way to make a career fair work for you is to make sure you go. Often seniors are so busy that they skip it, which is a mistake. Juniors should go too, because companies often look for interns at these events。


  Even if the list of employers scheduled to attend doesn't wow you, go anyway. You never know who you'll meet there, and who might be helpful to you down the road. A job fair is also a great place to practice presenting yourself to hiring managers。


  A few suggestions for making the most of the event:


  1. Research the employers who interest you. Pay special attention to the careers section of each company's website, and think about which opportunities there would best fit your strengths and interests。


  2. Prepare your "elevator speech." This is a 20-to-30-second sound bite that sums up your talents and skills. If you aren't sure what those are, think back to successes you've had so far -- including any leadership role you've played in an extracurricular activity (and yes, sports do count) -- and analyze what helped you achieve them。


  3. Dress appropriately. If in doubt about what to wear, it's safer to be overdressed than clad too casually. Clothes don't make the man (or the woman), but wearing business attire will send a subtle message that you're taking this event seriously。


  4. Be enthusiastic. If you're genuinely interested in an employer, end the conversation by saying so, and express your interest in exploring opportunities at the company. All else being equal, the most eager candidate often has an edge with employers。


  5. Follow up after the fair is over.Don't forget to ask for contact information from every recruiter you meet. Then, as soon as possible, send an email -- or better yet, a handwritten note -- briefly conveying why you believe you'd be the right hire. Ask when you might be able to meet again。


  And speaking of following up, it's not at all unusual to interview with a company and hear nothing for several weeks afterward. Even for seasoned job seekers, getting hired these days is a long, drawn-out process. And big companies especially are interviewing on so many campuses that it takes them a long time to reach a decision. Some may be holding off on making offers because they aren't quite sure yet what their staffing needs will be next spring。


  That's why it's important to stay in touch with them. You don't want to bombard them with messages, but you need to follow each interview with a thank-you and then ask if there is any more information they would like from you. Send a short note every couple of weeks, to make sure you're not forgotten in the press of other applicants。


  While you're waiting to hear back, don't stop looking. Keep going because, until you get a firm offer, you don't know what else is out there that might interest you even more. If you pin all your hopes on one or two companies, and those offers don't materialize, you'll have to start looking all over again, which will put you behind [your competition]. You need to have lots of irons in the fire。














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