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巴菲特给职业女性建议:发挥潜力 别退缩(双语))  沪江英语网    2013-05-20    



巴菲特给职业女性建议:发挥潜力 别退缩(双语))

  Warren Buffett is a big fan of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's book, "Lean In."
  Facebook首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格出了一本书《Lean In》,巴菲特是该书的忠实粉丝。

  It inspired his recent column in Fortune, where he wrote, "we've seen what can be accomplished when we use 50% of our human capacity. If you visualize what 100% can do, you'll join me as an unbridled optimist about America's future."

  He spoke on gender issues again, this time during a live interview, "Office Hours With Warren Buffett," with career site Levo League, where he shared some great career advice for young women. Here are some of the best quotes from his talk:
  他再一次论述了性别问题,这一次是在现场采访中,在“与巴菲特的办公时间”职业网站Levo League里,他和年轻女性分享了很多好的职业建议。这里是一些他的谈话语录:

  Stop holding yourself back

  "I've seen very, very bright women. I use the example of Katherine Graham. ... While she was CEO of The Washington Post, the stock went up [by a lot]. She won a Pulitzer Prize. But she'd been told by her mother, she'd been told by her husband, she'd been told by lots of people that women weren't as good as men in business. It was nonsense.

  "And I kept telling her, you know, 'Quit looking at that fun house mirror. You know, here's a real mirror. You're something.' And as smart as she was, as high grade as she was, you know, as famous as she became, right to her dying day, you know, she had that little voice inside her that kept repeating what her mother had told her a long time ago. So everybody should get a chance to live up to their potential. And women should not hold themselves back. And nobody should hold them back. And that's my message."






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