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告别月光族的十大绝招(双语)      2013-07-11    





  Don't make career decisions based on dollar amounts。不要单看薪酬多少来做出职业决定

  Think big picture. If you're offered X dollars in New York City, it's not the same as the same amount in Kansas City. You have to evaluate what you want out of your career and what the benefits are of those decisions. When evaluating job offers, know the difference between benefits and perks. You might think it's cool to be able to throw a Frisbee down the hall, but what's that compared with dental insurance?要有大局观。如果你在纽约找到了一份工作。同样的薪酬在堪萨斯市会感觉很不一样。你必须评估一下,你想要从事业中获得什么,以及那些决定会带来什么福利。在衡量拿手的一些工作机会时,要知晓福利和津贴之间的不同。你可能认为能够在公司大厅里扔飞盘很棒,但是与牙科保险相比又如何呢?

  Figure out how much you will need up front to move and start your life。算出搬家并开始生活需要多少预付资金

  Apartment rentals require deposits, as do some utility companies. You may need a moving van, and you may have to wait four weeks for a first paycheck. You have to figure out what you'll need to live on before that first paycheck。租房需要定金,一些公用事业服务也是如此。你可能需要一辆搬家货车,但不得不等上四个周才能领到第一笔薪水。“你必须算出在领到第一份薪水前,需要多少钱才能生活下去。

  Know what your take-home pay is--it's not as much as you think。知道你的到手工资是多少——并不像你所想的那样多。

  You can't start fashioning a budget without knowing what you have to work with. A paycheck and the dollars into your hand are not the same thing. You and the married guy next door with three kids will not get the same check for the same salary。你不能在还不知道有多少钱可用的情况下就开始制定预算。薪资和到手金额不是一回事。在薪资相同的情况下,你和隔壁那个结了婚并育有三个孩子的家伙,你们到手的钱不会一样多。

  Be realistic about your expenses and essentials。在花销和生活必需品方面现实一点

  Some students have lived in an apartment before, but after college it's not a big party and eating your roommates' food late at night. Rather it's time to grapple with expenses like transportation, health care, food, entertainment and incidentals. Plan everything. Many students expect to live on $50 a week for food. You will not live on rice and beans. You will go to the deli. You will buy coffee. You don't have to deprive yourself. Just be realistic. I don't care if you get a pet snake. Just know how much it costs。一些学生以前住过公寓,但是毕业后生活就不再是大派对,也不能深夜向室友蹭吃蹭喝。相反,是时候努力应对交通费、医疗费、伙食费、娱乐费以及其他各种杂费了。要计划好一切。很多学生期望一周在饮食上只花50美元。你不能只用米饭和豆子打发自己。你会去熟食店。你会买咖啡。你不必对自己太过苛刻。现实一点就行。就算你想养蛇当宠物也没关系,只要你知道这会花掉多少钱。






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