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霍金自传《斯蒂芬?霍金:我的简史》今年面世(图)    中国日报网   2013-09-23    



  本周四,斯蒂芬•霍金在有关其生平的纪录片电影首映式上表示,大脑就像是计算机里的一个程序,因此从理论上来说,大脑可以被复制到电脑上,人死后,大脑可以在电脑里以另一种形态存活。不过,他同时也指出,这一设想远远超出了目前的技术水平,他还认为“传统意义上的死后重生只是童话”。现年71岁的霍金在 21岁时被诊断患上运动神经元疾病,并曾被预期寿命仅有两三年。他表示,他毕生都在早逝的威胁中生活,所以非常憎恨浪费时间。他的自传《斯蒂芬•霍金:我的简史》也在今年面世。

  Stephen Hawking has said he believes brains could exist independently of the body, but that the idea of a conventional afterlife is a fairy tale.

  Speaking at the premiere of a documentary film about his life, the theoretical physicist said: "I think the brain is like a programme in the mind, which is like a computer, so it's theoretically possible to copy the brain on to a computer and so provide a form of life after death.

  "However, this is way beyond out present capabilities. I think the conventional afterlife is a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark."

  The 71-year-old author of A Brief History of Time, who earlier this week backed the right for the terminally ill to end their lives as long as safeguards were in place, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21 and given two to three years to live.

  "All my life I have lived with the threat of an early death, so I hate wasting time," Hawking said on Thursday night, using the computer-generated voice he controls with a facial muscle and a blink from one eye.






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