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Are Britons Conservative?

2010-02-22 来源:BBC中国网

Are British people conservative?

Sun Wen You, China


To many people, the typical stereotype of Brits is that they're quite reserved, not very warm, often seeming quite unemotional, and they are conservative in their way of thinking.

The word conservative can also refer to the way people dress, usually meaning quite formal clothing, for example, suits and hats.

Feifei and Helen talk to several British people to hear what they think of themselves.

Prince Harry wearing a bowler hat

The stereotyped image of a British man in a suit and bowler hat

Do they agree with some of these stereotyped characteristics?

After you've listened to the programme, why not test your understanding with the following questions?

If you have a question about British culture for the BBC Learning English China Team, email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk and we might answer it in this programme.

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