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Saying Goodbye to Single Life

2010-02-24 来源:BBC中国网

What do people do before they get married? Are there any parties for people before they end their single life?

Yoyo, China


Getting married is one of the most important things that can happen in people's lives. Last year, over 230,000 couples tied the knot in the UK.

Many brides-to-be and bridegrooms choose to celebrate their last days of freedom with hen dos and stag parties.

What kind of events are they? Who can attend? Do people have to drink alcohol at a stag or hen party? Is it just an evening event or a whole weekend? Is there a standard way to celebrate, or can people choose something that suits them?

Some men racing go-karts on a stag weekend

Stag parties are all about having fun

Feifei and Helen speak to several people about the different ways of celebrating and what they did themselves, or plan to do, before getting married.

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