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Catching Up with Friends

2010-03-10 来源:BBC中国网

My name is Jason. I'm from Harbin, China. I have a question today. You know, among Chinese young people there are some kinds of activities for us to get together and have fun, such as going to a nice bar, cinema, karaoke bar or something like that. So do you British people like karaoke? If not, what’s your best way to get your friends together and have some fun?

Jason, Harbin

Two people singing karaoke

Is karaoke popular in Britain?

How do you like to catch up with friends?

Our listener Jason says young people in China love to do things together with friends like singing karaoke or going to the cinema.

How about young Brits? What do they like to do when they are catching up with friends?


Yang Li and William Kremer hear from young professionals in their late 20s and a group of teenage girls to find out whether they have similar tastes.

Once you've listened to the programme, why not challenge yourself with the questions below?

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