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London Bridge ?

2010-05-26 来源:BBC中国网

I'm a student in a college in Beijing. I learned about London Bridge in my English lesson. My teacher told me that this London Bridge is in a song – "London Bridge is falling down, is falling down". I want to know how many London Bridges are in London.

Donny, Beijing


For his first assignment for bbcukchina.com, Wang Fei is counting bridges on the South Bank of the river Thames. How many London Bridges are there in London?

Luckily, William knows the answer to this question. Listen to the programme to find out how there can be many bridges in London but only one London Bridge.

London Bridge looks boring nowadays but it has a fascinating history.

Picture of the medieval London Bridge

The medieval London Bridge

William speaks to James Kislingbury at the London Bridge Experience to find out more.

However, before you listen to this programme, you should note this warning: you will hear Wang Fei and William singing towards the end. Are you sure you want to hear that?

After you have listened to the programme, test yourself with this quiz:

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