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2010-08-19 来源:BBC中国网

Climbing 爬山

Climbing is getting more popular in China - a lot of people do it over the weekend. Do British people like climbing and walking in the countryside?

Zhang Xun, Beijing


Britain has a long tradition of adventure sports. Climbing is one of them; there are thousands of Brits who take up climbing as a sport.

British people have often been the first people to climb some mountains in Europe, the Himalayas and across the world.

For example, Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Rob Gauntlett are famous adventurers who have made their mark in history.

Ranulph Fiennes

The British adventurer Sir Ranulph Fiennes

Kim Collis is a keen climber who has enjoyed climbing as a hobby for the past 30 years. Yang Li, who spoke to Kim recently, is greatly inspired by his experience, knowledge and passion.

In our next programme we will take a look at other walking exercises, such as hiking and trekking.

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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