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Wedding Rings

2010-10-20 来源:BBC中国网

My English name is Makenzie, I would like to ask a question: Do all English men wear rings after they get married?



Have you ever wondered if British men wear wedding rings after they get married? If they do, what type of rings do they wear?

This week join Feifei and Natalie as they find out the answer.

We will hear from some married British men and we get an expert opinion from a local jeweller.

wedding rings

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston had wedding rings like these

Listen out for these words and phrases in the programme.

* pledge

* sign of commitment

* mainstream

* discreetly

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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