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British Jokes

2010-11-03 来源:BBC中国网

I want to ask what is British humour like? Because people sometimes laugh but I don't find anything funny. All I want to know is: How can I feel the language, laugh at jokes as other people do?

Cathy, Jiangsu


This week, Yang Li and William answer Cathy’s interesting question above. How to laugh at English jokes and how to appreciate British humour?

Just as foreigners find it difficult to laugh at Chinese cross talks 相声, learners of English often struggle to understand English jokes.

Why is it so hard to laugh at English jokes? This is because British humour is often characterised by irony and sarcasm which may not be shared by other countries.

Cast of the series Little Britain

The series Little Britain show how the British can laugh at themselves

Here is one of the three English jokes you will hear from the programme:

“Doctor doctor I feel like a pair of curtains” and the doctor says, “pull yourself together”.

Can you see why it is funny?

Listen for more jokes with Chinese explanations from Yang Li and William Kremer.

Special thanks to Richard and Kaz for their jokes.

Do you have a question about Britain? 你有没有对英国的疑问?

Then email us at chinaelt@bbc.co.uk

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