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Children's Books

2010-12-01 来源:BBC中国网

Hi, I am Cindy from Dalian, China. I am obsessed with Harry Potter series and I am really into British children’s literature. Therefore, I want to know what books British parents read to their children. Thanks.

Cindy, from Dalian


Cindy from Dalian is a huge fan of children's literature from the UK and the Harry Potter series.

But of course, there is a lot more to the world of children's fiction than the boy wizard in glasses.

In this programme, Finn and Yang Li talk to British parents to find out about the kind of books they like to read to their children.

Girls carrying Harry Potter books

We all know Harry Potter, but what else do British kids read?

Some of these books have been popular for generations, while others have been made into blockbuster movies.

What about you? Which books did you like as a child?

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