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Wild China

2010-01-15 来源:BBC中国网


Wild China needs to be protected


China is a vast country which is home to an amazing variety of landscapes, plants and animals.

In 2008 a major BBC TV series called Wild China brought this amazing diversity to a British audience for the first time.

Finn Aberdein spoke to director Gavin Maxwell about the challenges and rewards of filming in China.

Join Finn and Jean Dong in this programme as they talk about pandas, yaks and the Tibetan Plateau.


BBC 2008 年制作的自然纪录片《美丽中国》是把中国各种丰富珍奇的野生动植物展现到了千万家英国电视观众面前。Finn Aberdein 专门采访了该系列的导演 Gavin Maxwell 关于他在中国拍摄的挑战与收获。

在本期节目里,Finn Aberdein 和董征谈论中国的丰盛自然环境,从青藏高原的牦牛和藏羚羊,到丝绸之路上的金鹰。

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