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'Jacko' Divides Fulham

2011-04-06 来源:BBC中国网

Mohammed Al Fayed below the statue of Michael Jackson, at Fulham FC

Mohammed Al Fayed was good friends with Michael Jackson

Not everybody is doing a moonwalk 月球行走 for joy by a statue 雕像 of Michael Jackson, which was unveiled 亮相/出台 before Fulham's Premier League game against Blackpool on Sunday.

Fulham chairman Mohammed Al Fayed has told fans they can "go to hell" 下地狱/走开 if they do not appreciate the new statue.

The statue was commissioned following Jackson's death in June 2009.

It was originally due to be housed at (原计划)将陈列于 Harrods department store, before Mr Al Fayed sold it.

"Why is it bizarre? Football fans love it," he said after the unveiling.

Outside the stadium, Fulham fans didn't seem to entirely agree, though.

One fan said the Jackson statue made Fulham "a laughing stock" 笑柄。

Another Fulham fan said: "It makes the club look silly. I thought it was an April Fools' joke."

But Mr Al Fayed said: "If some stupid fans don't understand and appreciate such a gift this guy gave to the world, they can go to hell."

Why is it bizarre? Football fans love it.

Mohammed Al Fayed

"I don't want them to be fans," Mr Al Fayed said, "If they don't understand and don't believe in things I believe in, they can go to Chelsea. They can go to anywhere else."

The singer was a friend of Mr Al Fayed's, but his links to the club are very limited. It's known he attended one game as a guest of the chairman, against Wigan Athletic in 1999.

Central defender Brede Hangeland said the decision to erect the statue was backed by 支持 the club's players.

It makes the club look silly. I thought it was an April Fools' joke.

Fulham fan

"Some of our players are Michael Jackson fans, some aren't, and that's the same in the general population," he said, "His music has been on in the dressing room a couple of times. I'm sure we won when his music was played!"

It's hard to say if any footballers were actually inspired to win by the statue, although Fulham beat Blackpool 3-0 in Sunday's game.

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