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2010-07-02 来源:BBC中国网

Lip-sync 对口型演唱

The script of this programme 本节目台词


Wang Fei: 大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 为大家制作的《地道英语》节目。我是王飞。

Diarmuid: And me, Diarmuid.

Wang Fei: So what are we going to talk about today Diarmuid?

Diarmuid: Well, I'd like to tell you about a concert I went to last night.

Wang Fei: A concert 演唱会!Diarmuid 会去看谁的演唱会呢? So who was performing at the concert, Diarmuid?

Diarmuid: I don't want to say her name Wang Fei, because I didn't enjoy the show. All I will say is that she was a very famous American singer.

Wang Fei: Why didn't you like the concert by this mysterious singer then?

Diarmuid: I'm afraid to say that she wasn't really singing live.

Wang Fei: 你是说她没有现场演唱吗?So what was she doing?

Diarmuid: She was lip-syncing.

Wang Fei: Lip-syncing?

Diarmuid: Yes, lip-syncing. L.I.P. S.Y.N.C.I.N.G. Lip-syncing.

Wang Fei: Ah yes. Lip-syncing. 就是演唱者假装在台上唱歌,但实际上,是在播放事先录好的录音,也就是对口型的假唱。So she wasn't really singing then?

Diarmuid: No, she was just jumping around the stage pretending to sing with a lot of other musicians and dancers.

Wang Fei: But didn't you just enjoy the show and the spectacle?

Diarmuid: Not really. When I go to a concert I want to hear the singer actually perform the songs. I can listen to the CD at home any time.

Wang Fei: Oh dear. What a pity.


A: My favourite band were on TV last night but they just lip-synced the songs.

B: Oh I hate it when they do that.

A: It must be hard for stars to sing and do complicated dance routines at the same time.

B: I suppose that's why so many of them lip-sync these days.

Wang Fei: In the example we heard that lots of performers lip-sync when they are on television. 因为他们一边唱一边跳,实在是太难了。

Diarmuid: That's true. I suppose that is alright because TV studios might not have the right equipment for a live performance.

Wang Fei: So you think it's ok to lip-sync on TV but not in concert?

A woman behind a microphone

Is she really singing? Or does this sound a bit too much like the CD?

Diarmuid: Yes. If I buy a ticket to the concert, I want to hear the real singer.

Wang Fei: So it was an expensive concert then?

Diarmuid: I don't want to even say how much I paid for that ticket!

Wang Fei: Poor you, Diarmuid. I hope your next concert is a better experience.

Diarmuid: Me too. Well, that's all for today listeners. I hope you enjoyed the programme and I can assure you we really were speaking here.

Wang Fei: No lip-syncing with BBC Learning English. 最后提醒大家不要忘了登陆我们的网址。

Diarmuid: That's www.bbcukchina.com. Bye all.

Wang Fei: See you soon.

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