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2011-04-06 来源:BBC中国网


Express yourself!

Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation!



How important is honesty to you? 对你来说诚实很重要吗?

Is it ever okay to be dishonest? 什么时候不诚实反倒好?


Is he telling the truth?

This is what some people in London told us.

Some people were sure that honesty 诚实 was important. Being honest with people builds trust 建立信任. One woman said lying always backfires 产生事与愿违的结果. Another said that people can rely on you 依赖你, when you're honest.

But when asked 'Is it ever okay to be dishonest?' several people felt it was a good thing to tell 'white lies' 善意的谎言 sometimes. White lies can stop people feeling hurt 伤害一个人的感情. As one woman says, you can be overly honest 过分诚实!

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