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2011-07-13 来源:BBC中国网


Express yourself!

Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation!



How important is TV in your life? Generally speaking, how do you feel about TV?


Children watching TV

Many parents of young children in the UK use TV as a babysitter

This is what some people in London told us about the role television plays in their lives:

One woman said she spends about 40% of her day whatching television. She loves television, especially fashion, and programmes about celebrities lives. She says it lets her relax and unwind 使心情放松。

One man says he only watches the news. He thinks it conjures up a hyper-reality 超现实. He thinks it has a negative effect 负面影响 on people.

Another man says it’s a great means for communication 沟通方式. He thinks that documentaries 纪录片, soap operas, comedies and factual programmes cover a broad range of interests 范围广泛的兴趣.

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