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成龙成鸟巢开场第一人 多位明星助阵  新华网    2009-04-03    



Jackie Chan to star in Beijing concert



  Hong Kong film giant Jackie Chan is to headline a star-studded concert at Beijing's Bird's Nest stadium, the centrepiece of last year's Olympic Games, Chinese press reported Thursday.

  "Descendants of the Dragon: Jackie Chan and Friends," will be the first large-scale concert to be held in the stadium that came to symbolise China's modernisation drive at last year's Olympics, the Beijing Youth Daily said.

  The event will be held during China's May Day holiday, and is expected to include a cast of stars, the report said.

  "When they asked me whether or not I would perform a concert at the Bird's Nest I could not help asking myself if I was qualified for this," the paper quoted Chan as saying at a Wednesday press conference.

  "Now with such a precious opportunity, I must spare no effort to do this well and put on a spectacular concert."

  Chan, who is best-known for his often hilarious martial arts comedies, has starred in Hollywood blockbusters such as "Rush Hour" and takes a lead role in this year's "Shinjuku Incident."

  Hong Kong singer-songwriters Jonathan Lee and Emil Chau are slated to perform with Chan, but other performers were not named.

  The Bird's Nest Stadium, named after its exterior lattice work of steel and concrete beams, hosted the Olympics' opening and closing ceremonies, but has been largely idle since the Paralympic Games ended in September last year.






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