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“哈利”新片《杀掉汝爱》塑造同性恋诗人  沪江英语网    2012-03-22    



  How Daniel Radcliffe will look like as fabled Beat Generation poet, Allen Ginsberg, in "Kill Your Darlings" has been unveiled in some fresh on-set pictures of the upcoming thriller. While shooting in New York on Monday, March 19, Radcliffe was snapped sporting a nerdy look complete with curly hair and big framed spectacles.

  In the true story movie, the "Harry Potter" tackles the key role of Ginsberg, who is also a gay activist. The pic itself is based on an event in 1944 about the murder case that help spawn the Beat Generation movement in 1950s.

  It follows Ginsberg's relationship with Lucien Carr and Jack Kerouac. Carr is the one who introduces Ginsberg to Kerouac and fellow Beat poet William S. Burroughs. He is also the one who stabbed his lover David Kammerer to death in a drunken fight in 1944.

  Tackling the role of Carr is Dane Dehaan, while Jack Huston and Ben Foster play Kerouac and Burroughs respectively. Also supporting the movie is Elizabeth Olsen as Eddie Parker, a rich girlfriend to Kerouac.

  丹尼尔·雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)和戴恩·德哈恩(Dane DeHaan)在纽约拍摄新片《杀掉汝爱》(Kill Your Darlings )。丹尼饰演的是被称为“垮掉的一代”的著名同性恋诗人艾伦·金斯堡(Allen Ginsberg)。在新曝光的剧照中,丹尼尔一副文质彬彬的书呆子打扮,有着卷卷的头发,带着大框子眼镜。

  此外,杰克·休斯顿 (Jack Huston)和本·福斯特(Ben Foster )分别饰演同一时代的作家杰克·凯鲁亚克(Jack Kerouac)和威廉·巴勒斯(William Burroughs)。而伊丽莎白·奥尔森(Elizabeth Olsen)以及《嗜血法医》(Dexter)主演迈克尔·C·豪尔(Michael C. Hall)也参与此片。

  故事以艾伦·金斯堡 、卢西安·卡尔、杰克·凯鲁亚克和威廉·巴勒斯为中心展开,他们因为一桩谋杀案而牵连在一起。本片预计将于2013年上映。







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