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当你去面试一个工作需要留意哪些事情?(2)  沪江英语网  佚名  2015-07-22    



What To Notice Around The Office When You Go For A Job Interview?



8. Is this a fast-paced work environment?

8. 这是一个快节奏的工作环境吗?

This usually depends on the industry or department, but some companies tend to run their businesses at a faster pace than others. If employees are literally running around the office and phones are ringing non-stop, that’s a sign that things move quickly. Do you prefer this type of environment? Do you perform well under pressure? Determine whether you’d be able to keep up and thrive in this type of environment.


9. Is it an organized place?

9. 这是一个安排有序的地方吗?

Does the interview start on time? There could be legitimate reasons for lateness, but if your potential boss is late and doesn’t apologize, this is a red flag.


You’ll also be able to determine whether this is an organized place by the way the interview is conducted. Is your interviewer prepared and focused on you? Or is he or she distracted with calls and hand-held devices? Even in a busy workplace where constant calls and message checking is normal, your interviewer should have arranged uninterrupted time for the interview. Failure to do so is a bad sign.


10. What is the culture and environment like?

10. 文化和氛围如何?

Are people allowed to personalize their office or cubicle space? Does the environment look sterile and devoid of personality? If you get a chance, try and check out a few off the beaten path rooms such as a meeting room, lunchroom and even the washroom. These communal spaces can often speak volumes about a work environment and culture. Often meeting rooms or lunch rooms are places where organizations let their personalities shine through a little more. Is the meeting room look like a place designed to encourage conversation and innovation? Are there fun posters in the lunch room and announcements about outside activities--or is there an angryscolding note chastising someone for not cleaning their dishes?


11. How do employees dress?

11. 员工的着装如何?

Maybe you like a formal setting where people wear suits, or maybe you prefer a casual setting with less formal dress. Observe what everyone is wearing, and determine whether you’d be comfortable in that attire every day.


12. What is the physical layout of the office?

12. 办公室的布局怎么样?

This can also be critical for a lot of people, so take the time to check out whether there’s an open door policy, or an open office concept. Again, some people hate open offices, others love them, so it’s about what is right for you. Maybe the office is a cube farm. How do you perform in that type of setting? These are things to take note of when you go in for your interview.


13. How do managers interact with employees?

13. 管理者如何和员工互动?

Although it can be hard to determine sometimes, if you have the opportunity, try to get a sense of how supervisors and managers interact with employees. This can be very telling as to the kind of environment. It can send subtle clues as to how hierarchical the work environment is or how oppressive it may feel.


14. Is everyone busy?

14. 是每一个人都很忙吗?

Don’t draw conclusions based on how busy one or two individuals look. Instead, take note of the overall picture. In general, do the employees seem to have a lot of down time? Or are they engaged in work? Do they look too busy, with stacks of papers piled on their desks? If it appears that nobody is working, that may be an indication that business is slow. If everyone looks exhausted and overworked, this could mean the company is understaffed.







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