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做好家务五步走      2008-10-21    



  We can make the task as easy as possible. We do that by removing the biggest obstacle for anything getting done. David Allen, creator of GTD, has often remarked at how thought is the antithesis of work. The more we think about doing something, the more excuses we have to not do it. So if you want to get people to do their chores, remove that obstacles. Here are 5 steps I've used in the past to do just that:

  1. Think of what tools are needed, and buy them ahead of time. Not having the tools for the job is the easiest excuse. One of my peeves is my roomies leaving water all over the bathroom sink. Once I started buying paper towels and making sure they were right there, people started wiping up after themselves. Which leads me to...

  2. Place those tools right at the scene. If someone has to look for bottle of spray cleaner guess what, it's not getting clean. In each room I have the appropriate cleaners in a plainly visible and accessible place. They're never more than 5 steps from a mess.

  3. Do any prep work you can ahead of time. Multiple steps is another mental block that can stop people from pitching in. If you want your wife to start dinner as soon as she gets home, try separating and labeling the vegetables, pasta and meat the night before. The more automated you can make the process the better. Along those lines remember to...

  4. Break things down. Big, complicated tasks are intimidating. The smaller you can make the steps the more likely someone is to do the job. Instead of saying "Clean up the garage" list all the smaller tasks, from sweeping the floor to putting tools on the pegboard, that go into it. It's much easier to say "I don't have time to clean the garage tonight" than "I don't have time to sweep the floor."






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