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暑天特供:自制西式解暑饮料    国际在线  2011-07-11    



  1. Melon Puree

  This is a drink I had on a trip to Jamaica. It’s incredibly refreshing and simple to make. Melons are a great source of vitamin C, and when you puree instead of juicing, you retain all of that healthy fiber. Here’s how to make your own melon puree:

  Slice up a a honeydew melon or cantaloupe into chunks。

  Blend until smooth, adding a bit of water to thin things out if necessary。

  Chill your puree before serving for extra cooling benefits。

  You could probably make this with watermelon or any other sweet melon, but I’ve only tried honeydew and cantaloupe。







  2. Cucumber Mint Water

  It might sound like a strange combination, but cold water with a couple of slices of cucumber and a sprig of mint is a delicious, cooling summer drink. You can serve this up one glass at a time or put together a whole pitcher to keep in the fridge. Here’s how to make an eight-serving batch of cucumber mint water:

  Combine a half of a sliced cucumber and 1/2 cup of coarsely chopped mint in a four quart pitcher。

  Top the pitcher off with 16 cups of water and chill until you’re ready to serve。

  Bonus points if you grow your own mint or cucumbers to whip up this beverage!






  3. Ginger Cooler

  A spicy drink might seem counter-intuitive when temperatures heat up, but spicy foods actually help your body regulate its temperature. This ginger cooler will do the trick nicely!

  1/4c chopped ginger

  1/2c chopped mint leaves

  juice of one lime

  6 cups sparking water

  sweetener of your choice, to taste

  Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and serve chilled. You can strain this drink, if you don’t like the texture of the ginger and mint bits, but I prefer mine whole。









  4. Iced Green Tea with Lemon and Mint

  Avoid heating up the house with the stove and brew your tea in the sun instead! This takes a bit of planning, but there’s not a lot of actual work involved。

  15 bags of organic green tea

  1 gallon of water

  1/2c whole fresh mint leaves

  juice of 2 lemons

  sweetener of your choice, to taste

  Combine the tea bags, water, and mint in a clean, gallon-sized container and set it out in the sun for 3-4 hours, depending on how dark you like your tea。

  Remove the tea bags and add the lemon juice and sweeten, if you like。

  Chill and serve over ice。






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