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国家主席胡锦涛会见英国首相布朗  新华网    2009-04-02    



Chinese president meets British PM on relations, financial crisis

Chinese President Hu Jintao met British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in London on Wednesday to discuss bilateral relations and other issues of common concern.



  Chinese President Hu Jintao and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown reached broad consensus on tackling the international financial crisis, promoting the reform of the world financial system and enhancing bilateral relations when they met here Wednesday.

  The two leaders were meeting ahead of a Group of 20 summit on the financial crisis, a follow-up to last November's meeting in Washington. The summit is scheduled for Thursday.

  This was the second meeting between the two leaders in less than five months. Hu and Brown met at the G20 Washington summit and discussed bilateral relations and ways of tackling the financial crisis.

  Hu said the upcoming London G20 summit, which brings together world leaders to discuss measures to tackle the financial crisis, is of great importance for boosting confidence of the people and businesses, stabilizing the world financial market and reviving global economic growth.

  With the international financial market still in turbulence, the world financial crisis continues to spread and go deeper and is taking a heavier toll of the world's real economy, Hu noted.

  It is a daunting challenge for the international community to cope with the crisis and strive for a recovery of the world economy, the Chinese president said.

  "All countries across the world are on a same boat of world economy, and all on board must work together to fight against the current difficulties," he said. "Only through joint efforts can the boat sail through the financial turmoil safe and sound, and the negative effect of the financial crisis be reduced to the minimum and an early recovery of world economy is made possible."






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