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胡锦涛主席同美国总统奥巴马通电话  新华网    2009-05-07    



Chinese, U.S. presidents talk over phone about bilateral ties, flu epidemic



  Chinese President Hu Jintao and his U.S. counterpart, Barack Obama, on Wednesday discussed bilateral relations and the A/H1N1 flu epidemic during a telephone conversation.

  Hu recalled that during their meeting at the Group of 20 summit in London in early April, he and Obama agreed to work together to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship in the 21st century.

  The two leaders also reached extensive consensus on the establishment of the mechanism of China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogues, joint efforts to tackle the international financial crisis, and enhanced coordination and cooperation on major global and regional issues, Hu said.

  "Now, both countries are seriously implementing the consensus," the Chinese president said.

  "China is willing to work with the United States to push for a healthy and stable development of China-U.S. relations," he said.

  Obama, for his part, said the meeting with Hu was important because it outlined the future development of bilateral cooperation and made a good start on the China-U.S. strategic dialogue.

  The United States appreciated China's efforts to promote bilateral relations, he said.

  The Chinese president expressed sincere condolences over the A/H1N1 flu epidemic that has hit parts of the United States, and said the Chinese government has started emergency measures to prevent a spread of the disease.

  "We are willing to keep contact with the World Health Organization, the United States and other parties concerned, and strengthen cooperation to jointly confront this public health challenge," Hu said.

  Obama said his country has adopted effective measures against the disease and will continue to keep a close eye on the outbreak.






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