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Doing your homework Doing your homework

Anna and Tom

Has Tip Top Trading lost all its valuable information?

Audio: Doing your homework 做好家庭作业

An English at Work programme about the language to use when carrying out research


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Episode 43:Language to use when carrying out research 做调查研究时用的词语

Tom may have not had the dinner date with Anna that he was expecting but for Anna it was a huge success. She came up with an idea for a new plastic vegetable but now she needs to research her idea before she has to pitch it to Paul, the boss.


Anna 打电话咨询的第一家公司是销售什么产品的?


Glossary 词汇

This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use in researching new ideas by asking the opinions of your customers:

Phrases from the programme:

Could I ask for your opinion on a new product we are hoping to develop?


What plastic products do you currently use?


What products would you like to see us sell in the future?


How do you feel about the idea of selling plastic vegetables?


Any particular vegetable you would like to see?


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